Nude, Fine Art, Human Nature, Portfolio
Akt, Aktfotografie, Body, Boudoir, Erotik, Fine Art, Human Nature, Natur, Sexualität

Human Nature | 4 Strangers

für fremde

winternacht in berlin. freigegeben von technobeats und tanzkäfigen.
räume. überspieltes herz und rüschen an unseren hemden.

soon timid eyelids of passion.
look up. see. finger dances later on.

im schein der nachttischlampe auf weißem leinen wiegend.
der fremden schneeweiße haut. so viel mehr als berührung. freiheit.

take pictures he said und nahm sie zärtlich. geliebte frau.
so erzähl mir von lust und fröhlichkeit. vom tango inbetween.
beflügelt vom lauf der dinge und dem flüchtigen wesen des glücks.

denn welch schönheit sie zu teilen.


for strangers

winter‘s night in berlin. set free by technobeats and dancecages.
rooms. masked hearts and ruffles on our shirts.

soon seen some timid lids of passion.
glance up. behold. fingers dance later on.

cradling on white linnen in the glow of bedside lamps.
the snow white skin of a female stranger. so much more than touch. freedom.

take pictures he said and took her tenderly. beloved woman.
so tell me about joy and happiness. about the tango inbetween. inspired by the course of things and the fleeting nature of happiness.

what beauty it is to share.


La presenza di un altro uomo nel mio letto, che stava facendo godere la ragazza di cui mi stavo innamorando, non provocava dolore, perche‘ gli occhi di sua moglie mi rassicuravano con la loro dolcezza. Mi sono sentito come in un bagno caldo di tenerezza, circondanto da questi 3 nuovi amanti.

The presence of another man in my bed, giving pleasure to the girl I was falling in love with, was not hurting me, as the eyes of his wife were reassuring me with their sweetness. I felt enveloped by a warm bath of tenderness, surrounded by these three new lovers.


Azért mentem Berlinbe, hogy felfedezzem a várost. Ehelyett magamat ismertem meg egyre jobban a többiek tükrében. Ha szeretet van, mindened megvan.

I went to Berlin to discover the city. I discovered myself in the mirror of others instead. If there is love, you have everything.


Přestože každý z nás je v podstatě svého bytí sám a druhý člověk nám zůstává cizím, tak to jsou právě chvíle jako tyto, kdy s jistotou pociťuji proudit stálou a něžnou propojenost mezi námi všemi.
Nic podstatnějšího nemohu zdělit o této noci, která se stala součástí mě samé – tak, jako cukrová vata na pouti mého dětství, jarní babiččina zahrada s orosenou trávou a nebo letní bouřka nad mořem mého mládí…

Although each of us is fundamentally alone and the other remains strange, it is moments like these in which I am definitely one. I feel an everlasting and tender connection between all of us.
I can't say anything more fundamental about this night. It became a part of my self, just like the cotton candy at the fair in my childhood, grandmother's spring garden with dewy grass and that summer storm over the sea of ​​my youth.